
Pecha Kucha Evening at the De La Warr Pavilion.
“I felt engaged, seen and heard regarding difficult situations that I’ve been involved in as a teacher. Great training thank you. I look forward to the next one!“
“I don’t always enjoy or feel like I have gained anything from staff training, whereas with Adele’s , it has stuck with me – 3 years later! Thank you again!“
“We are a new special school for pupils with communication and interaction needs and have worked with Adele to shape our behaviour framework and train our staff team. In our regular meetings, Adele provided just the right balance of support and challenge to our core behaviour team. She supported us to set targets and did a brilliant job of holding us accountable for these in a supportive manner.
We loved how realistic Adele was and she did not shy away from the challenges that we face in our role. We would thoroughly recommend Adele.“

A facilitated Student Consultation between Brighton & Hove Librarians and Patcham High School Students

“Miss, I don’t give a sh*t” Behaviour Training Programme
“Adele acted as an education consultant for us, when we were planning a site specific reading intervention for young people in Years 10/11. Before the consultation we lacked clarity around the expectations of the National Curriculum and also how to pitch this sort of project to young people for whom reading was a challenge.consultation. Adele had some great ideas, after we were much more confident about how to deliver the project.”
“Inspiring workshop that has directly affected my planning and teaching. I am now thinking very differently than I did before this session. It really is a case of needing to walk in someone else’s shoes to understand their issues. Thank you.”

Behaviour & Inclusion INSET Training with Kensington Primary, Liverpool
Feedback from participant of “Miss, I don’t give a sh*t” Behaviour programme
“It was brilliant. I really got a lot out of the day! I now have a greater insight to tackle root causes of behaviour. You gave us practical advice and next steps.”
“Invaluable, unlike any other training I’ve had. It surpassed my expectations – I’ve got so many new ideas. Normally after training you feel really tired but I feel really enthusiastic! – Thanks!”

Leading Behaviour Training in Dominican Republic

Behaviour & Inclusion INSET Training with Kensington Primary, Liverpool
“This CPD has been really useful and engaging. It made me think about how I react to certain behaviours and how this can be the same for our children. It has supported my approach with helping staff to be consistent. Thank you for making the training relatable!”
“Great speaker and easy to listen to, excellent presentation with useful tips”
“Entertaining and informative, thought provoking with practical ideas”
“Useful information, great content re trauma informed practice”
(Trauma and Triggers Workshop)

Behaviour Conference, Optimus Education

Breakthrough Behaviour Programme Training Day
“Very child-friendly way to teach a difficult subject. This has been perfect for my Year 7 SEND setting.”
“The training Adele led with Huxlow reinforced and reminded us that alongside clear systems and structures that provide clarity over expectations for students and staff, it is key to know the child and to understand what may be happening in their lives that could be driving their behaviour. Only with this understanding are we enabled to be effective in our support for the student, and consequently be better placed to help them make change that lasts. Adele’s energetic and engaging delivery, coupled with her in depth knowledge of supporting students and staff in multiple settings, created a safe, thought provoking and proactive environment where staff were able to work together to look for solutions that will work for them and the school.”
“Your training was inspiring, refreshing, reassuring – knowing that I am adopting the correct approach most of the time. I am not the only one who has these problems! Enjoyed the format of the day.”

Behaviour & Inclusion INSET Training with Kensington Primary, Liverpool

Speaker at Toucan Education Conference; topic ‘SEN, Anxiety and Behaviour’
“Super, food for thought, eye opening, reassuring, interesting. Can you come back and help me more?!”
“Being a participant in your training was amazing, engaging, easy to understand and the examples were excellent. I now have a list of practical strategies and actionable steps. Please come back to our school for more sessions!”

Workshop at Practical Pedagogies Conference, Cologne, topic: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom